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Version compatibility issues Q01CPU
1.144A GT Designer3 version can not be compatible with 1.119Z GT Designer3 version, why, how to be compatible?.
QJ71C24N and computer non sequential communication,CJ1H-CPU66H
1C24n module set? How do I clear data that is not sequentially received? Each computer sends 5 words to 7 words each time, between D200 and d206 respectively, how should be cleared?
Can you tell me whether proface touch screen GP2600 and QJ71C24 (serial communication module) can communicate with each other? The PLC model used is Q12HCPU.CJ2H-CPU64
1C950a7b02087bf4847ff747f2d3572c10dfcf89:\/\/g; RESPONSE; end; how to solve.Jpg\x22 target=\x22_bl
The string that is sent out is not continuous and will receive its own string. May I ask what is wrong with the setting? (PS. non RS-485)
ETN11CJ1W-ETN11 virtual server with EMAIL, CX-PR
CJ1W-ETN11 virtual server with EMAIL, how to set up in the CX-PRO software? How to set the virtual server ARGOSOFT
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