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What does CP1H-XA40DR-A do with grating ruler signals?
DR-A. How do you read the reading signal of the grating ruler for the position? What instructions do you use? Which register signal does it read directly? Which data is stored by A271CH A270CH? What i
Send mail by etn11,CJ2M-MD212
CJ1W-ETN11 sends EMAIL with a virtual server. How do you set it on the CX-PRO software? Virtual server ARGOSOFT how to set prawns is etn11, not etn21
Yaskawa servo action P,CJ2M-MD211
Do you know now, can you tell me about it, I was now doing the project I saw your brother Yaskawa before the question P what is the meaning of Yaskawa servo action
Japan Yaskawa servo DRive power input end connected to it,CJ2M-CPU14
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